Viso: Cadernos de estética aplicada is a Brazilian peer reviewed academic journal on aesthetics and philosophy of art. We accept submissions about traditional themes in philosophical aesthetics, such as judgement, experience, genius and beauty, provided their discussion is based on analyses of single works of art. We also publish translations and reviews on major new studies in the field.

Viso: Cadernos de estética aplicada was founded in 2007 and has become since then one of the leading journals in the field of aesthetics and philosophy of art in Brazil. It is published by Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) and associated with Associação Brasileira de Estética (ABRE), the local branch of the International Association for Aesthetics (IAA). Our editorial board is mainly composed of philosophy professors, but we accept submissions in any field of research provided the article is found compatible with the journal’s mission and scope.

Viso: Cadernos de estética aplicada is aimed at students, scholars and the general public with an interest in aesthetics and related areas. Our main section publishes original research from postgraduate students and researchers with a master’s degree (minimum). Each issue may also contain special featured sections dealing with relevant themes in aesthetics.