ISSN 1981-4062
editorial board
editorial policies
main section
Perverse and
Useless Philosophers:
Adeimantus' Challenge
and Aristophanic Comedy
Luisa Buarque
In Defense of the Comic in the Conflict between
Plato and Aristophanes
Carla Francalanci
From Socrates to Socrates:
Forms of the Drama between Plato and Aristophanes
Alexandre Costa
Pina 3D and the
Sensible Power of Movies
Vladimir Vieira
On Wenders'
Augmented Reality:
a Debate with
Vladimir Vieira
Marcia Gonçalves
Way beyond 3D:
On the Presentational
Truth of Film Images
Patrick Pessoa
Diagram and Catastrophe: Deleuze and the Production of Pictorial Images
Cintia Vieira da Silva
Painting and Thinking
the Forms:
Creation in Painting
and Philosophy
according to Deleuze
Mariana de Toledo Barbosa
The Fly and the Pan:
the Forms of Death
in The Magic Mountain
Pedro Caldas
The Magic Mountain
as Bildungsroman
Luciano Gatti
A Parody of the
World of the Dead
Pedro Süssekind
The Sublime Paradox or the Enfranchisement of Art
Virginia Figueiredo
On Heidegger and the Disaesthetization of Art
Luiz Camillo Osorio
Heidegger, Benjamin and the Work of Art
as Experience
Bernardo Oliveira
Fragile Eternity:
Existential Time
and Abstraction
Marco Antonio Casanova
Forgotten Islands:
Some Notes on
the Chapter
“Between sea and continent”,
by Marco Antonio Casanova
Fernando Barros
Temporality and Art:
Fragile Eternity
Pedro Duarte
On Sentimental Interest
for the Naive in Schiller
Based on a Note about Kant
Giorgia Cecchinato
Schiller and the Essential Insufficiency of the Naive
Verlaine Freitas
The Subject is in Art
Tania Rivera
Two Cubes
and a Psychoanalyst:
Figures of the Object
according to Tania Rivera
or the Question
about the Subject
in Contemporary Art
Claudio Oliveira
Freedom, Identity
and Politics
in Contemporary Art:
a Dialogue with Danto
Bruno Guimarães
On "Post-Historical Art", Selective Globalization
and "Gambiarras"
Rodrigo Duarte
A Commentary on Hope
in Marcuse's
One-Dimensional Man
Imaculada Kangussu